Work Packages
WP1 - Management of the Project
The main responsibility of the KHLeuven is to facilitate and support the project work of all the partners in order to deliver outputs answering to high standards. Therefore, it supervises the project process, project finances and sets up effective mechanisms for internal communication between all partners. In concreto this means among other things :
- (virtual) monthly meetings with all project work packages leaders
- critical feedback on the deliverables of the different work packages
- monthly briefings to inform all LEMONOC-partners about the project progress
- monitoring of a project workspace to share documents
- preparation, coordination and follow up of life meetings
- designing formats to support the project process and project reporting
KHLeuven will write the interim and final reports for the European Commission.
LEMONOC Project Manager: Ms Karine Hindrix,
WP2 – Introduction of the WP to the website
LEMONOC project is aiming at having impact of quality of learning mobility to non-industrialized countries. Many institutions have successful practises and there is good research on this topic. WP2 is in charge of collecting a representative pool of the documented good practises and materials used and finding the most relevant research articles to give guidance and support for fruitful learning mobility.
The materials collected from HEIs and through the literature review are classified and valorised to support the five thematic areas of the learning mobility: developing sustainable partnerships; motivating students; preparation of students; guidance of participants; and finally debriefing, reflection and post-assignment support.
Based on findings, WP2 will develop three tools to help the HEIs in developmental process of learning mobility to the Global South. The virtual library will have a good collection of links and attached materials to engross any of the thematic areas. The Best Practise Manual will give support to critically discuss the existing practises of HEIs. Finally, LEMONOC SKILL will be practical tool in user-friendly way for HEIs to measure, analyse and evaluate their existing practises in the learning mobility they organise.
WP2 has three partners. University College Cork, Ireland, KH Leuven, Belgium, and HAMK University of Applied Sciences, Finland.
WP3 - Data-collection and analysis
University of Granada is responsible for Work Package 3 focused on ICT, technical development of the website and e-platform.
Tasks included in this work package involves:
- supporting Project Coordinator and Partnership in the development of Work Package 1 (Management of the Project) by providing tools for communication and collaborative work (files sharing, etc.),
- supporting Work Package 2 (Data-collection and analysis) team in their development and data collection,
- testing results coming from WP2 in our own institution and other institutions in UGR networks,
- creating tools for implementing results from WP2, such as e-library and LEMONOC-Scan,
- providing tools for Work Package 5 (Dissemination of project results and seminar) to disseminate results and outcomes, such as website, mailing lists and other solutions based on ICT.
All work developed in University of Granada is intended to create tools that can be used by other HEI that are interested in establishing Learning Mobility experiences with non industrialised countries. These tools will allow to share documents, procedures and good practices in the e-Library and will help institutions by guiding them to find these resources by mean of using LEMONOC-Scan tool.
Website is available since April 2014 and the other tools will be by the end of 2014.
WP4 - Quality Assurance
The aim of this work package is to guarantee the quality of the process, the outputs and the outcome of the program. The program will produce some outputs (documents, reports, manuals, self assessment tools etc. ) of which the quality has to be guaranteed. Quality criteria such as timeliness, clarity, user friendliness, efficiency and effectiveness will be utilized to evaluate the outputs.
These outputs will be used by the target groups of the program i.e. the persons responsible and engaged in learning mobility in HEI and result in increased competences (=outcomes). These competences can be related to partnerships, to the preparation the follow-up or the after care given to the students etc. which will then result in improved quality of learning mobility.
Planning: during the kick off meeting organized at the start of the program all partners agreed on the outcomes and the outputs of the program and some indicators and milestones were defined. A theory of change was developed and some agreements were made on the monitoring and evaluation of the program.
Monitoring: based on the planning a follow-up and a mid-term evaluation will be organized to find out if the outputs are produced as foreseen and have the required quality. Based on the results of the mid-term evaluation foreseen in august or September 2014, decisions can, if needed, be taken to improve the execution of the program so that the desired outputs and outcomes will be obtained in the most efficient and effective way.
Evaluation: at the end of the project an external evaluator who assists the management during the execution of the program will evaluate the outputs and the outcomes of the program by interviewing some persons or HEI that made use of the outputs of the program. The issue is to find out if indeed the use of the outputs improved the competences of the HEI.
Learning is central in quality assurance: what lessons can be drawn from experiences and how these lessons can be integrated and improve the program is central in this work package.
WP5 - Dissemination of project results and seminar
Work package 5 is responsible for the effective and substantive dissemination of the results and tools that are developed in the LEMONOC project. In the first place, the addressees for dissemination are mobility offices and units responsible for international learning at higher education institutions and other organisations in Europe and in non-industrialised countries (NICs). The focus of the work package is the promotion of the coming LEMONOC e-platform with its tools, LEMONOC events, in particular the international seminar in Brussels (in 2015), as well as LEMONOC publications. In addition, the LEMONOC website and newsletter provide news and background information related to the project and international education more generally. The aim is to establish a network and an arena for discussion and exchange in the field of learning mobility to NICs.
WP6 - Exploitation of results: sustainability and follow-up
KHLim is involved in WP 6 (Exploitation of results: sustainability and follow-up). WP 6 has 3 main objectives:
- Follow –up plan: WP 6 has to produce an exploitation and sustainability plan for continuing activities after the end of the financing period (meetings, e-platform, courses, conferences,…). This work package is developing a plan, focused on the future, to make sure LEMONOC converted into a dynamic, interactive community about learning mobility with non-industrialized countries (expertise network). We want to develop a strong business plan that focuses on the sustainability of LEMONOC and make sure that the results/benefits will remain
- Newsletters: WP 6 has to communicate with a trimester e-newsletter to the network. The newsletter will focus on the project and trends and evolutions on the issue of learning mobility.
- Training courses: WP 6 will develop training courses about learning mobility with non-industrialized countries to ensure that results are distributed across interested HEI. This work-package will develop, promote and disseminate the new training courses and additional training materials.