Exploring the orientations of international students in Mexico: Differences by region of origin.


Cantwell, B., Luca, S. G. & Lee, J. J. (2009). Exploring the orientations of international students in Mexico: Differences by region of origin. Higher Education, 57, 335-354.


This study examined the dispositions, experiences, and expectations of international students in a developing country (Mexico) to understand the increasing phenomenon of reverse student flows and the role of the political economy in international student mobility.  Data were drawn from survey responses from 279 international students at universities throughout Mexico and analyzed to explore the orientations among students from Europe, Latin America and North America. Findings showed significant differences among international students' dispositions, experiences, and expectations by these geographical regions of origin. In a broader context, this research addressed the important role of developing countries as not only senders but also receivers of international students. This research also demonstrated the ways that the political economy shape the orientations of students studying abroad.

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